We provide software solution to tracking vehicle and driver behavior by using GPS tracking system by using your phone or computer you can check status of your vehicle.
Live Tracking
You can see vehicle location with real time event, you can replay history playback, you can see speed graph, you can see event status and you can also choose the type of map you want to see your object.
Driver Behavior Analysis
You can analyze the driver behavior on violation basing on over speeding, idling, harsh braking, seats belt and accelaration and decelaration events.
Travel Summary Report
System will show travel report start and end location, start and end odometer, total running time, total idle time, total duration used for travel and stops, you can even replay every single trip.

Live Tracking
You can see vehicle location with real time event, you can replay history playback, you can see speed graph, you can see event status and you can also choose the type of map you want to see your object.

Driver Behavior Analysis
You can analyze the driver behavior on violation basing on over speeding, idling, harsh braking, seats belt and accelaration and decelaration events.

Travel Summary Report
System will show travel report start and end location, start and end odometer, total running time, total idle time, total duration used for travel and stops, you can even replay every single trip.
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Download our mobile app
Experience the convenience of managing your vehicle tracking on the go with the Magilu Investment mobile app. Download it today and unlock a world of streamlined logistics at your fingertips